ARFF-Airport Fire Vehicles


ARFF araçlarımız havaalanı operasyonları için maliyet etkinliği ve performans sağlanarak ticari şasi üzerine tasarlanmış ve üretilmiştir. Müşteri veya ihale şartlarına göre birçok farklı fonksiyon ve bileşen çeşidi ile havaalanı işletmelerinin ihtiyaçlarını karşılar.

  • Yüksek güçlü motorlara sahip 4x4, 6x6 veya 8x8 ticari şasiler
  • Hızlı müdahale araçları
  • Dünya standartlarına uygun LHD ve RHD direksiyon için orijinal kabinlerden mürettebat kabin dönüşümleri
  • GRP veya SS su ve köpük tankları opsiyonu
  • Yardımcı motor veya ara şanzıman entegrasyonu ile sürüş pozisyonunda pompa kullanımı
  • Komple şasi-üst yapı CAN-BUS haberleşme entegrasyonu
  • Dahili veya harici köpük işleme sistemi
  • Kuru kimyevi toz söndürme sistemi
  • FFT-Fire Fighting Tower söndürme kulesi
  • 30 metreye kadar tarama alanı
  • Wireless monitör kontrolü
  • Usage Areas

    • Havaalanı yangın söndürme ve kurtarma operasyonları
    • Pistler
    • Pist dışı Off-Road alanlar

    Product Details

    Fire Pump

    • All Fire Pumps have EN1028 or NFPA Certificated
    • 800 – 10.000 Lpm @LP 8 - 16 Bar wide option range
    • 250 – 1.200 Lpm @HP-UHP 40 - 90 Bar extremely effective and special options
    • Aluminium / Bronze material options

    GRP_Fiber Tank

    • Production by infusion method
    • 40% lighter and longer life than stainless metal tanks
    • High resistance to road with flexible structure, no risk of leakage over time

    Basic Foam System

      The system processes foam at standardized rates independent of water flow and pressure Foam monitor produced by using simple foam system is very efficient in extinguishing operations Due to the Venturi principle, foam cannot be processed inhydrant mode with basic foam system Simple to use and maintenance-free systems

    Automatic Adjustable Foam System (FPA-FOAM PROCESSING ABILITY)

    • Efficient and low consumption Foam System
    • All the foam systems we offer automatically adjust the foam flow rate, sensitive to water flow and pressure
    • Ability to process foam at the same rate at each flow rate and pressure at the selected rate
    • Design which does not consume foam and does not allow foam to enter the water tank when there is no water outlet

    Personel Crew Cab

    • LED illumination for maximum visibility
    • Safe travel with 3-point seat belt, optional airbags
    • Complete aluminum body structure, optional integration into the driver's cab
    • Maximum viewing visibility with middle and side Windows
    • Standard / pneumatic opening cab doors and electric / manual side Windows
    • Driver's cabin with camera and voicecommunication system
    • Maximum adaptability to hard road conditions by mounting with flexible connections independent from the driver's cab and superstructure

    Breathing Apparatus Transport Mechanism

    Respiratory protection units are highly effective devices for protecting firefighters' health in any environment. Firefighters must be used for all work involving particulate matter as well as harmful gases and vapors to ensure the health of the respiratory organs. The breathing set transport mechanism allows the firefighter to reach the respiratory protection units in the fastest and most comfortable way before the operation.

    • Transport mechanism up to 6 breathing units
    • Folding structure provides ergonomic usage and allows the breathing protection units to be positioned at the firefighter's back level.

    Fireman Control Panel

    The control panel is the most important communication component between the firefighter and the fire vehicle. With logically located function keys and indicators, the firefighter is as comfortable as possible in the control of system devices. As a result, the fireman finds fault finding his own path, even in difficult situations, and ensures the maximum safety of the firefighters responding to the fire. Illuminated and elevated control buttons offer maximum convenience.

    • Easy to use
    • IP68 Protected operator panel
    • Firefighter redirects classified by colors
    • Illuminated control keys

    Slider Roof Ladder Rack

    • Complete stainless and aluminum material customized for heavy duty conditions
    • Safe and easy to use with transfer locks
    • Rotating and sliding parts equipped with high quality bearings and special friction elements
    • Specially designed according to the size, 13,5 meters x3-stage ladder in the sample visuals suitable for the carrier system
    • An effective solution for manufacturers with an easy-to-install mounting kit

    Telescopic Lighting

    The telescopic lighting mast provides homoge- nous illumination of the operation area with high light efficiency. It can also provide focused illumination of any point to assist the operation.

    • Wireless remote control up to 100 meters
    • LED technology and low power consumption up to 96,000 Lumens
    • Can be applied to any vehicle

    Body Structure

    Aluminum industrial profile design, lightweight, durable and space saving structure allows the superstructures to be compact.

    • Very high corrosion resistance
    • Light and flexible
    • Flexible and variable structure allows maximum placement of equipment

    Dry Powder Extinguishing System

    Dry powder extinguishing system is designed to firefighting without using water or foam. They are used when water has a negative effect on fires or substances stored near a fire source.

    • Usually located in vehicles designed in an industrial style
    • Used in firefighting departments of metal or chemical industries


    • They can be integrated into vehicles, suitable for use in almost all areas where the fire department operates. They are designed for high firing range and very good foam quality with electronic or manually controlled monitors and can be positioned as bumpers or roofs.
    • Manual or wireless remote control option
    • In-cab joystick control option
    • In-cabin shooting management screen with IP6K9K camera positioned over it
    • Ability to process water and foam up to 10000 lt / min
    • Water throw distance up to 105 meters Foam throw distance up to 75 meters
    • Automatic parking position taking function
    • Optional high-capacity LED-focused lighting